Interdisciplinary Maternal Perinatal Australasian Collaborative Trials (IMPACT) Network

The Interdisciplinary Maternal Perinatal Australasian Collaborative Trials (IMPACT) Network was formed in 1994 within the then Australian Perinatal Society and in 1997 became a subcommittee of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand (PSANZ) dedicated to improvement of maternal and perinatal health by promoting well-designed randomised controlled trials (RCTs), and dissemination and application of their results.

This website has been developed for investigators, health care professionals and consumers to learn more about the conduct of clinical trials, the clinical trials in maternal and perinatal health taking place across Australia and New Zealand, and how the IMPACT Network for Improving Mothers and Babies Health can facilitate the design and set-up, execution and timely completion of these trials. 


The PSANZ Interdisciplinary Maternal Perinatal Australasian Collaborative Trials network (IMPACT) Committee is calling for three (3) new members including representation across New Zealand and First Nations as well as lived experience advocates.
The PSANZ IMPACT Committee support the development, implementation and dissemination of high-quality collaborative randomized trials addressing priority questions in maternal and perinatal health. 

The current Executive Committee is made up of people experienced in clinical trial activities across the major disciplines and regions that PSANZ supports.  

As a member of the PSANZ IMPACT Executive Committee, roles and responsibilities include:

  • Monthly meetings with IMPACT Executive Committee (via ZOOM or face-to-face where possible)
  • Organising IMPACT workshops & events
  • Assist in the development and growth of the IMPACT network 
  • Assist with administration and chairing sessions at the annual congress, as required
  • Assist with progress of portfolios within IMPACT including Innovation in Trial Design, Strategy, Impact Trial Pipeline & Engagement 

If you would like to submit an expression of interest to join the PSANZ IMPACT Executive Committee please click this link and submit your application by September 1.